Video Interviewing Due To The Coronavirus Outbreak? Here Are A Few Tips!
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by Namratha Ambat
Job Interview Preparation
Nailing video interviews is important now more than ever. With social distancing being one of the key factors in flighting the Covid-19 outbreak, all interviews are now taking place virtually. The decision to hire candidates has to be made by companies based on these video interviews. It is a tough decision that can be made easier by you as a candidate, by taking the appropriate steps to reassure companies that you, in fact, are the right fit for the position. So what are you doing to stand apart from the rest of your competitors for the same position?
Here are a few tips to keep in mind while preparing for your next interview:
1. Clean up your space
Something that might sound like trivial advice could be of extreme importance. You’re trying to replicate a face-to-face interaction with the company through this interview so it would be key to have a rather standard background and clean environment during the interview process. Zero distractions!
2. Adjust your Webcam
Another key pointer to keep in mind during the course of the interview would be the placement of your webcam to ensure that the interviewer can see you properly. The best recommended angle is to have the laptop’s webcam above your eyeline, angled slightly downwards. It is also important to conduct the interview in a well lit room so that the interviewer is able to clearly see you from the beginning hence avoiding any delays.
Read more on phone and video interview tips straight from HR Professionals conducting interviews.
3. Test the Microphone & Connection
You need to be heard clearly to make your case. So it would be a good idea to run a test on the laptop prior to the interview, maybe with your recruiter, to test the sound quality. This again would help avoid any issues during the course of the interview. These small recommendations could honestly make or break your interview. This applies to your internet connection also.
4. Dress Appropriately
In line with treating video interviews as a regular face-to-face interview, keep in mind to dress appropriately as well. Present yourself as though you were going into the office for the interview. Make a small mistake of interviewing in your home attire, even bottom down and your camera catches it, it shows the lack of commitment to the interviewer. Better to be safe than sorry!
As your recruiters, we help you stay ahead of the game. It’s simple, let us set up a video call instead of the regular phone calls so that we’re able to assess your strong points as well as give you pointers on how to improve your presentation, so that you’re able to build a strong case for the company you’re applying to. It’s our duty, which we take very seriously, to guide you to ensure you have the best chance of success during the interview.
If you need any further information on the recruitment processes during this time you can drop any questions you have here and we’ll get back to you at the soonest.
Stay safe, stay home and we’ll make it through this.